About the Journal
The Journal of Islamic Studies and International Relations, known as Jisiera, is an annual academic journal published by the Indonesian Islamic Studies and International Relations Association (Insiera). Publication of this journal aimed as an intellectual communication bridge that strengthening Insiera’s network and disseminate thoughts or research works contributed positively towards the development of science and Ummah (global Islamic community).
Jisiera promotes academic debates by providing scientific articles with all available academic approaches (intradisciplinary, crossdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary) focusing on issues related to Islam, the Moslem World, and International Relations. Particular attention is given to articles discussing on Islamic Studies approaches in International Relations and the application of Islamic perspective in International Relations. Although, Jisiera is not constrain the discussion merely on those particular themes.
General Rules
- Manuscripts should be in Bahasa Indonesia or English with academic writing standard. English UK is preferable.
- The article could be an original research, review article, and book review.
- The article submitted to Jisiera should not have been published elsewhere and should not be under consideration by other publication using ISSN.
- The article submitted for publication goes through the blind-peer reviewing process by members of the editorial board.
- The author willing to make submission should register through Jisiera Open Journal System (OJS) and follows all of the process online.
- Successful author will be contacted and should transfer publication fee amount of Rp 250,000 to Jisiera Bank Account (Insiera members are excluded).
- The author willing to make submission should register through Jisiera Open Journal System (OJS) and follows all of the process online.
- Successful author will be contacted and should transfer publication fee amount of Rp 500,000 to Jisiera Bank Account (Insiera members are excluded).
Jisiera mengundang para akademisi, praktisi, pakar, pengamat, dan mahasiswa untuk mengirimkan artikel guna ditelaah dan dipublikasikan. Artikel yang dikirimkan harus merupakan karya orisinal penulis sendiri dan belum pernah serta tidak sedang dipertimbangkan untuk dipublikasikan oleh institusi manapun dengan ISSN. Proses seleksi artikel atau review berakhir pada bulan Juni. Adapun Jisiera akan diterbitkan insyaallah setiap tahun (annually) pada akhir bulan Juli atau awal Agustus. Oleh karenanya, calon penulis dapat mengirimkan artikelnya kapanpun kepada redaksi dengan mempertimbangkan periode review dan penerbitan tersebut.