Anggota Insiera Chapter Riau
2016 –

Harri is academic staff at International Relations Department Universitas Abdurrab Riau. Having degree Master of Arts from Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, Harri interested in a broad range of political economy issues including globalization, social movement, international trade, international business, international development, global value chain, global production network, and international trade regimes. His master research focused on fair trade, an alternative movement of global capitalism. While he was studying at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta to get his bachelor degree, he conducted a research about Dayak’s community in West Kalimantan who lives near Indonesian and Malaysian borders. He also had research experience about creative economy in Yogyakarta concerning the trend of trade liberalization and ASEAN economics community. Contact Harri via his email: